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Meet The Amazing People We Met On Tour

Despite the sweltering 100+ degrees, our time in Texas and Arkansas renewed our spirits thanks to the extraordinary people we were blessed to hang out with. It’s such an incredible experience to be around such kind, selfless, loving and giving people. There were two distinct moments during two separate Brotality sets, where I was completely overwhelmed with a gratitude and love that was so powerful I literally almost burst into tears.

At our show in San Antonio we got to hang out with an awesome dude named Steve, who has been playing Brotality songs on his radio show for a few years. I love being able to talk face-to-face with the people who have been so supportive of the band from day one, and to have a chance to get to know them. We met for the first time last year, but it felt like we were all old friends as the conversation flowed throughout the night. Even if he had been the only person at the show that night it would have been worth it just to hang out with him again.

Awesome people

The band who organized the show, Becoming Sons, is a perfect example of selfless generosity. Not only did they promote the heck out of the show and hype it up like crazy,  they donated their split of the door to us and Amongst The Giants because we were the ones traveling. They are truly awesome people with hearts for ministry. 

Next up was Fort Worth, Texas. The label that released the boys’ first two albums was generous enough to organize the show, while the owner’s wife was kind enough to make us all a delicious dinner. Meeting the label owners’ families was a special treat as well.

Hanging out eating dinner

We also had a chance to catch up with Eric, who has been another supporter of the band for years, and has always been generous with his time and advice. Talking to him is always so encouraging and he gifted us with homemade cookies as well!

Paul, Eric and I

The band had the opportunity for a photo shoot while at the venue thanks to one of the best concert photographers in the business, Chad Fenner. We met Chad and his wife, Lisa, at a festival he was photographing two years ago and we’ve been friends ever since. Not only does he provide concert photos for free as part of his ministry, he and his wife host bands at their house. So not only did we have a chance to catch up with them before the show, but we got to sleep in real beds, and take showers without flip-flops for the first time in a month. They graciously opened their home to us and it was so hospitable . Spending time with them made dealing with the heat well worth it.

At Chad’s house

Ezra is another altruistic person who has been placed in our lives. We met him last year at a music conference in Nashville, where he was a presenter. He and the boys hit it off and he’s been in touch ever since. He drove 2 1/2 hours to see them play. It’s impossible to describe how grateful we all are to have someone like him looking out for us and giving us guidance. He’s encouraged Paul and I as parents and has helped Bryce with internships as well, solely because he believes in the boys and wants to help.

Next up was The Good Fight in Huntington Arkansas, which is a venue run by a church where they provide transportation to kids and families from all over the community to all of their events. The pastor is one of the most energetic, inspirational and super stoked people we’ve ever met. There were well over 130 people there, mostly teens and kids, and he greeted every single one of them with a contagious enthusiasm that makes you smile just watching him. He made every person feel seen and welcome.

Travis (pastor) getting his beard shaved because over 130 people showed up!

It was undoubtedly the most fun show yet as swarms of kids joined the band on stage to head bang, stage dive, and even do backflips. In between bands 34 people were baptized in a giant tub they had filled and placed right in the mosh pit area. People were cheering, crying and hugging each other as everyone celebrated. The atmosphere was saturated with love and celebration.


As if that wasn’t enough, friends of ours, who we toured with on the extreme tour last summer, surprised us by driving three hours to see the show. The expression on the boys’ faces when they spotted them in the crowd was priceless. It was so great to catch up with them and to see their smiling faces.

Bryce and Jothym

When the show was over and we were packed up, we were treated to another homemade vegan meal, got to hang out with the pastor, and were given a generous donation from the church. Everyone there made us feel like family.

Brotality, Travis and his son

It was also our final show with Amongst the Giants, so it was great to sit down for one last meal with them. Their whole group touched our lives by being there to share this stage, spending time together before and after each show, sharing stories over campfires and late night dinners at IHOP at 2 AM. The guys in this band are people my kids have looked up to for several years and they were the kindest people to be on the road with. The singer’s dad was with them as well , so it was a great opportunity for Paul and I to share stories and learn from someone who has been doing this longer than we have. It truly was a blessing to get to know all of them.

Brotality and ATG crews with Travis

After we said our goodbyes, we headed to Oklahoma to stay with our friends, Travis and Selena from the band Chaotic Resemblance, who had just returned home from their tour. They hooked us up with vegan snacks, clean showers and took us out to Chili’s for lunch the next day along with their guitar player, Logan, and his adorable son. The boys were able to go for a long run with Travis and his buddy, who took the day off just to join them. After they returned from their adventure, Selena took Paul and I for a sightseeing ride around the area so we could experience the views as well. They even borrowed a friend’s car for us in case we wanted to run errands!

Me and Selena

Once again, it’s nearly impossible to express how much these people mean to us. From the moment we all met at a festival two years ago, we knew they were special. Their love for Jesus and their relentless desire to model him and spread the word about him is inspiring. They truly love God and people, so much so that Travis will stop on a run to talk to people he passes , or ask the servers in Chili’s how he can pray for them. They had just returned from tour and yet a few hours later drove 40 minutes to the show, waited up for us to get us settled in, then got up early to run and show us around. The way they care about people is genuinely inspiring.

Logan, Judah, Selena and Travis

I know my recap can’t possibly convey the profound impact all of these people have had on our lives. Last night as we were sitting around a  campfire we found ourselves talking about all of  them. It’s so great  to recap our time with them to  remember how blessed we are to have them in our lives (even if only in person once a year), setting a loving example of selflessness. They all make us want to be better people! 

What a godsend to experience the power of love expressed by our friends in their actions and words. It’s not every day I can say I’ve stood in a room overwhelmed by the goodness of the people around me. I am truly blessed to have the opportunity to watch my kids tear it up night after night, having the time of their lives. The icing on the cake is meeting the people who come to support them and then become our family. I hope we can all aspire to be more like them and make a positive impact on everyone we interact with. I know I’m inspired to try!

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