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The Beauty Of Music Festivals: Uprise 2023

Ever since my boys were little, we’ve been going to music festivals as a family. Actually, if you want to be precise, they’ve been going since before they were born! I always laugh when I hear them tell people they started going to concerts while they were in my womb. I was very pregnant with Bryce when I went to Ozzfest in 2002 and to Dave Matthews Band with Reece in utero in 2004. Is it any wonder they both grew up to be musicians?

Our very first festival

When they were around six and eight years old, we started going to festivals as a family and it easily became something we sought out and looked forward to. We quickly realized there was more to a Music Festival than just the day of the show. The week leading up to the concert we listen to all the bands on repeat to make sure we know their songs while trying to guess their set list. We discover new bands who are on the bill that quickly become new favorites. Planning what and when we’ll be able to eat so as not to miss out on anything is an interesting undertaking. Trying to decide which band shirt we are each going to wear becomes a challenge as we try not to fight over who gets to represent certain bands. The anticipation is a huge part of the fun, and we love preparing everything together.

Once the big day arrives, we load up the van, often with coolers, tents, chairs, and plenty of sunscreen, and drive while the boys take turns DJing all the songs we hope to hear. Even the experience of waiting in line with hundreds or thousands of other music lovers (and metalheads are the best!) is exciting as you meet and talk to people about who they’re excited to see and who they’ve seen before. There’s a palpable energy in the air that is contagious.

Inside the gates

Once we’re in the gate and music has begun, all of the waiting and traveling pays off. There’s nothing in the universe like pressing up against the stage to witness your favorite band crushing it. There’s also nothing more electrifying than the energy of the crowd screaming in harmony or going hard in the pit. And there’s nothing more memorable than meeting your favorite band at their merch table, hearing them offer support and encouragement to your kids who tell them one day they hope to be on stage just like them. It’s an experience that refreshes my soul every time and it never gets old.

Reece watching his favorite band

I’m so grateful to all of the people who work tirelessly to put on these awesome events. It’s truly a massive undertaking. I’m so grateful to all of the incredible bands we’ve met over the years who have taken pictures with the boys and spent time after an exhausting performance talking to them. Their encouragement over the years has stoked the fire beneath the boys’ dreams to perform, and it truly brings me such joy to now see my kids up on those very stages.

The boys on stage

Uprise festival has been a staple for us for at least the past 10 years. We started out camping with friends on the hill with the main stage in our view, and now we’re sleeping in our camper behind the stage. It really blows my mind to see it all come full circle. Waking up in our RV behind the stage is definitely a “somebody pinch me” moment. Setting up merch next to the bands the boys grew up listening to is surreal. I’ll never forget the first time we set up our table at a festival, with Jason Wisdom set up right next to them. The boys were in awe that their favorite screamer, who they listened to on repeat for years, was actually sitting by them and talking to them as fellow performers.

Camping out in the beginning

The boys opened the Rockstar stage on Saturday. Their set was super high energy and I could tell that they were on cloud nine living their dream. It was surreal for me as I weaved through the crowd and around the pit, taking pictures and video, hands shaking from nervous excitement. I even overcame my fear of going backstage (because it still blows my mind that it’s legit that I’m there!) and took video from the back and sides of the stage. Looking out at the crowd head banging to the boys’ songs is a “proud mama” moment I’ll never forget.

My view from backstage

Immediately after their set, I ran over to their merch table to sell their shirts as they took care of the gear with Paul‘s help. Every single person I interacted with was so nice and appreciative. I had the privilege of meeting and spending time with many fans, and I’m a better person because of them.

My mom and I at merch

The rest of our time at Uprise was spent being fans. We introduced my parents to the Uprise experience for their first time and got to show them Disciple who we’ve seen as a family too many times to count. I can’t even begin to tell you how many hours we’ve spent over the years talking as a family about Kevin‘s messages from stage. That’s the beauty of Uprise. All of the musicians are there to make a positive impact on people and it’s nearly impossible to leave unchanged. I look forward to the messages and interactions with the bands and festival goers just as much as I do the music.

After we watched Lacey kill it on stage, we packed up our merch and headed to the main stage to watch Skillet , a band the boys grew up with, and who headlined the very first festival they were at (where we had to hold them up to even see the stage). Several times I almost cried as I watched them singing the songs of their childhood, and sharing their excitement with their girlfriends and friend. To hear my kids talk about their memories from when they were little, while appreciating the nostalgia, is truly a gift. I didn’t want the night to end.

All of us after Skillet closed the night

Walking back to RV together after it was all said and done we excitedly talked about our favorite moments and songs and were all like little kids again. That’s what I love about music. It takes you back to beautiful moments and also propels you forward with inspiration. Music festivals, especially Uprise, have been an integral part of our lives, and I’m so fortunate to witness our experiences evolve from year to year. I’m so thankful that my kids have been inspired by the countless bands we’ve seen year after year who use their platform to spread a message of hope. Every year I’m so inspired by Uprise and I’m so grateful we’ve been able to attend so often. Each year it deepens my faith and strengthens our bond as a family. 

I’m sure we’ll all be riding the high from Uprise for a while and when times get tough, I know we will all be better equipped to weather the storm, thanks to our festival experience. God was there. He was showing us his love and it was truly a beautiful thing.

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