My awesome family

What a roller coaster these past 14 months have been! The ups and downs have often triggered feelings of self-pity and resentment. On my run this morning, my entire body hurt (probably from lifting weights, but it still reminded me of my weakness) , reducing my pace to a walk. Immediately I deemed myself a failure. I wallowed in self-pity for a few minutes before I finally snapped out of it when I remembered that it’s Thanksgiving and somehow I needed to shift gears and be grateful. I certainly didn’t feel like being grateful as the aches and pains tried to convince me that I deserved a pity party. Deep down I desired to be stronger than that so I challenged myself to compose a mental list of the obstacles I’ve faced this past year. But instead of dwelling on the obvious hurdles I vowed to find lessons to be thankful for in each situation.

It was difficult getting started, but by the time I finished my run I had quite a list of lessons that I truly am grateful for. So here it goes.

My two hospital admissions taught me to be grateful for the doctors and nurses who took good care of me and motivated me to be more kind and compassionate towards others. The days confined to a hospital bed reminded me to be thankful for fresh air, sunlight and the ability to move. Now I’m determined to make each day — each moment — worthwhile, regardless of how I feel.

Dealing with unanswered questions and having no diagnosis has taught me to be a more proactive and informed patient. I’ve learned so much about health, fitness, nutrition, disease, and the human body which in turn has caused me to value my body more and treat it better. 

Starting all over again as a runner humbled me and forced me to appreciate every step forward regardless of how small it seems. I am more aware and appreciative of how running elevates my mood and outlook. Instead of always focusing on time and distance, it’s evolved into gratitude for the ability to get outside and move.

The occasional setbacks I’ve experienced (namely chest pain flare ups and waves of sickness) have taught me to truly appreciate the times I feel strong, so I try my best to no longer take them for granted.

Being on tour this summer forced me to face my fear of initiating conversations with strangers and being around large groups of people. Focusing on others distracted me from my problems and taught me the most valuable lesson of all — we all struggle and have stories worth telling.

There are countless life lessons that present themselves whenever a hardship arises. However, we often don’t recognize them until after the fact. That’s why it’s crucial to pause to reflect and uncover them. Obviously Thanksgiving is a perfect time for this reflection, but it’s so impactful that we should make sure to do it regularly.

When I quickly summarize the past year, on the surface it appears to have really sucked. But it didn’t take long for me to recognize how all these unfavorable circumstances have helped change me for the better. My situation hasn’t improved all that much on the surface, but my psyche has improved radically. My attitude, self-awareness, patience, motivation, and desire to be a better person have all improved, which I am immensely grateful for. 

I’m so thankful for my family’s support and encouragement throughout it all. Without them I would never be able to get through any of this. And thanks to all of you who have sent me encouraging messages and shared your story with me. You inspire me more than you know.

 Let’s all take time to reflect on our lives to discover the silver linings in life’s storms. Be patient and be persistent. You will find them.  

Happy Thanksgiving! 😊🏃🏻‍♀️


Philippians 4:6-7 NLT. Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5:18. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.

“Fall seven times and stand up eight.”–Proverb