Ask my family what I think of roller coasters and they’ll quickly tell you that I’d be content to never step foot on one again. My last experience resulted in me laying on a bench in the amusement park trying desperately to keep from puking, basically ruining the rest of my morning. So when I compare my year to a roller coaster, it’s pretty telling. I don’t particularly do well with ups and downs, twists, or turns.

Despite the frustration of this ongoing battle with my health, looking back over the year I’m able to recognize so many awesome things to be grateful for — most importantly my kids. 

Reece, my youngest, graduated high school with honors and started college. Both boys finished their fall semester with all A’s despite their busy schedules. They found an amazing church in Oneonta that they love, full of wonderful and supportive people. We’ve been able to attend with them a few times and it’s so comforting to know they’re in such a great environment.

We experienced the boys’ first ever US tour. Being on the road for 6 1/2 weeks together was an amazing trip where we met people I will never forget who impacted all of our lives in such a positive way. Being able to travel with my family to support my kids’ dreams is a gift that I do not take for granted. My family means everything to me and they’re a huge inspiration to me. 

I was convinced I was finished coaching after my kids graduated, but as fate would have it, I wasn’t quite done yet. An opportunity arose and I took it. It was the perfect activity for me as I transitioned to an empty nester and I am so grateful for the opportunity to work with a great group of kids, coaching a sport I truly love. It helped me to stay motivated while appreciating the sport and fostering my love of running. It was especially helpful in the moments I did not feel well when negativity and frustration started to seep in. The kids and other coaches kept me going by inspiring me every day, and for that I am extremely grateful.

In 2022 I only had one trip to the ER for chest pain and thankfully the doctors were able to control it without admitting me. I had numerous echocardiograms which showed that the fluid had not returned. The pericarditis seemed to respond to increasing doses of prednisone, which, of course, ended up being a catch 22. The pain was controlled, but it resulted in long-term steroid use, which can potentially cause a whole host of other issues. Thankfully, I can finally say I’ve tapered off of them completely, and despite two weeks of feeling awful while my body adjusted, at this moment, the pain and fluid have not returned. Thank God. 

I was able to keep active and running, despite recurrent chest  pain, fatigue, and overall body pain. It made me more grateful for every small step despite the frustrations, and I’m more determined than ever to come back even stronger. 

I am grateful for my family and friends  who have reached out to me to offer encouragement, share their stories and check in with me. It helped me realize how important it is that we talk about our struggles so that we can offer encouragement and not feel isolated.

The results from another recent round of bloodwork came back completely normal. Even though it doesn’t help to definitively pinpoint the cause of the pericarditis and inflammation, at least a lot of scary possibilities have been ruled out.

Sure, this year has had its difficult moments, but through them, I’ve grown as a person, and I appreciate the lessons. Prior to this year, I wouldn’t have valued the process as I do now. Sometimes it takes a health crisis to teach us, especially if you’re stubborn like me. Most of all, I am grateful that the experiences I had this year changed me for the better and the lessons weren’t totally lost on me. It gives me hope for the future and motivation to keep getting stronger —  physically, emotionally, and mentally. Thank you to everyone I met this year who taught me so much about living and to all who have stood by me. Here’s to 2023! May we all continue to grow and learn and love more each day. Happy New Year!


“ Consistency compounds. Small steps repeated overtime lead to big gains. Don’t aim to be consistently great. Aim to be great at being consistent.” ~ Steve Magness