One of my favorite things about being on the road is all of the incredible, selfless people we are blessed to meet. We’ve been on the road for three weeks now and have traveled over 4000 miles, and already we have encountered many people who have truly touched our lives, and who make me want to be a better person.

Our mission as a family, and for the band, is to connect with people and let them know they’re not alone, and that they are loved (and to share Heart Support as well). But what always ends up happening is that along the way we are often the ones being fueled with encouragement, hope and inspiration from the people we meet.

I talked about our first show in West Virginia already in another post , but it’s worth recognizing again the amazing group of people from the Edge at Heaven’s Pit Ministries who organized our first show. They were so welcoming and giving of their time and resources, going above and beyond preparing a huge dinner for all of the bands (and for us she researched and made homemade vegan pot pie!). They sent us off with all the leftovers as well which lasted several days. Their 10 year old son approached me as we were packing up and said he would be praying for the band to get into an upcoming festival that we basically had given up hope of playing. Literally three days later we got the confirmation that they could play. Talk about an answered prayer! It was an amazing way to kick off tour and put our hearts in the right place.

The kids who prayed for the band

In the spring, a guy named Paul who we had met on the extreme tour last summer, reached out to Bryce out of the blue and asked him if there was anything he could do for him. After several communications, he ended up booking us a show at his church in Clarksville, Tennessee. Once again we were welcomed into their space with open arms and treated like family. The people there volunteered their time to set up production and welcome us in. Paul’s wife made us all dinner, and before we left a few people gave us gas money. Most encouraging was having the opportunity to catch up with Paul, and be inspired by his selfless spirit, words of encouragement, and genuine support for the boys. He’s the type of person who makes you feel hopeful and better just by being in his presence.

Clarksville, TN

In Jacksonville, the band played at Murray Hill Theatre. The venue is an old movie theater turned into an event center that the owner transformed 28 years ago amidst a rundown neighborhood. They provide shows that deliver a positive message and serve no alcohol while ministering to people behind the scenes. At the end of the night he paid us more than we were supposed to receive, and then allowed us to hook our electric up and camp in the parking lot so that we didn’t have to search for a Walmart that night. Incredible people who insist they’re just following what God has led them to do despite the challenges, and then defeating the odds ultimately transforming their neighborhood. It was a perfect example of how trusting God can lead to a life of purpose and overcoming the impossible.

Inside Murray Hill Theater

Our Clearwater gig was organized by another completely selfless man named John. Not only did he come through on a guarantee for the night, but he threw in so many thoughtful personalized extras — and we had never even met him before! He gave us gift cards, bought treats for the dogs, surprised me with honey and jam from the local farmers market, gave us all the news articles about the show in case I wanted them for scrapbooks, had an exceptionally kind and helpful crew for sound and load in, his wife prepared a ton of food (including lots of veggies and fruit, and veggie sandwiches for us) for the bands, plus a crazy selection of drinks. At the end of the night he sent us off with all the leftovers. The way he took care of us was so heartwarming. I  immediately said to Paul, “He makes me want to be a better person.”

Both of the Florida shows were awesome. What made them even more special (is it even possible after all of the above?) was being surprised by a family we toured with for two weeks last summer. When they walked through the doors in Jacksonville with giant grins on their faces, we were all in shock! After all the initial hugs and excitement, they let us know they’d be traveling to the Clearwater show the next day as well. They had driven three hours just to surprise us! It was so awesome to catch up. Just being around them energized me and brought a smile to my face.

Awesome family

At the same show we got to know a dude who was traveling with Amongst The Giants (our touring partners) to take video and pictures for them. He volunteered to do the same for Brotality on his last night, and then he sent them to us asking nothing in return. It was such a generous thing to do. Then he gave me $40 and said he wanted to bless someone with a merch bundle from the band. I can’t wait to see the reaction when the boys give the gift to an unsuspecting fan.

Being on the road for seven weeks has tons of challenges and it can be exhausting. It’s easy to get frustrated. But when we encounter people like this along the way, we’re very quickly reminded of how truly blessed we are to be able to do what we’re doing. These selfless people motivate us to strive to be better and remind us how important it is for all of us to focus on others and look to God for how we can serve. I know God put each and every one of these people in our path for a reason and I’m so grateful for all of them. When I’m frustrated or tired or find myself complaining, all I have to do is think of these stories, and very quickly I am humbled. Every single one of them taught us a valuable lesson with the way they live their lives. They are a beautiful reflection of how God wants all of us to live our lives, and they inspire me to be better every day.