Running with joy through perimenopause and autoimmune disease.

Year 2023

Learning A Valuable Lesson At A Music Festival

Festival season is upon us and it’s unquestionably my favorite time of year. To kick things off, this past weekend we drove 13 hours to Indiana for the boys to play the Kingdom Come Festival in Greentown for the second… Continue Reading →

When Negativity Calls, Movement Changes Everything

I’ve heard it said a million times that perspective is everything. Although we may not always be able to control our circumstances, we can learn to control how we react to them. I love the way that sounds, but to… Continue Reading →

Why I Write About Running

Running and I go way back — all the way back to the early 70’s when I was five years old. One of my earliest running memories is competing in the 100m dash and long jump at summer track meets… Continue Reading →

Why It’s Difficult Accepting A Lupus Diagnosis

Because there’s been so much confusion and debate over what is actually going on in my body for the last two years, it seems strange to now have a diagnosis. One minute I accept having lupus, but then I immediately… Continue Reading →

How I Inadvertently Found Out I Have Lupus

 Over the past two years, I have completely lost trust (although I didn’t have much to begin with) in our traditional medical system. Personally, I’ve been dealing with a myriad of symptoms for two years now. Whenever I talk to… Continue Reading →

How Getting Older Has Taught Me To Stop Hating My Body

 Do you ever look closely at yourself in the mirror or scrutinize a photo and find yourself being hyper critical of every inch of your face and body? Has your inner dialogue ever sounded something like this —  “I hate… Continue Reading →

Finding Hope And Encouragement Even In The Most Vulnerable Places

I don’t know what it is about me and hospitals lately. For some strange reason it seems to be the place where God grabs my attention and where I’ve experienced several lightbulb moments. Maybe it’s because I’m so stubborn and… Continue Reading →

The Value Of Mindset In Overcoming Chronic Illness

A post from two years ago recently popped up in my feed and in it I spoke about how it had been two weeks since my very first diagnosis with Covid. I mentioned how it kicked my ass with exhaustion,… Continue Reading →

How A Horrible Run Taught Me A Valuable Lesson

Last week was a terrible week for running. Every morning my entire body hurt, so it took me forever to get going. My muscles and  joints ached. It seemed as if every inch of my body was stiff and sore…. Continue Reading →

How I Developed A Positive Mindset Despite Challenging Circumstances

Having a chronic illness, with symptoms occurring in unpredictable cycles, has been extremely frustrating.  However, despite all the uncertainty and trials, I have taken steps that have been very helpful in dealing with the frustration. I love it because these… Continue Reading →

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