It’s pitch dark, 20°, and nothing about this seems fun. What did I get myself into?
These were my waking thoughts at 4:45 AM on the morning of our first run club meetup a year ago. It’s amazing how much has changed since that first anxiety filled morning — including myself. I owe it all to the awesome people who showed up that fateful morning, and who keep showing up.
What you may not know is that I technically started this running club — Sullivan Sole — three years ago in February of 2022. After a few Facebook posts to generate interest, a handful of people showed up once a week in the evenings to walk and occasionally run around the neighborhood in Narrowsburg. But when I left the area for our annual summer travels, the group went on hiatus. When I returned, it was very difficult to get people to start up again and due to lack of interest I gave up.
Fast forward to December 2023. I was studying for my health and nutrition coaching certification when thoughts of the running club started to occupy my mind again. Maybe it was due to being absorbed in the coursework and thinking about ways to get people active, but the nudge to start again grew strong and persistent.
However, since it was soon to be January, the appeal of running outside in freezing cold weather was likely nonexistent. How was I going to convince anyone it was a great idea to start running in the middle of winter? On a whim I posted my idea on Facebook to gauge interest, and lo and behold, a few brave souls mentioned they’d be willing to run before work.
Personally, I wasn’t thrilled with the idea because I am the antithesis of a morning person. Is it even possible to be social at 6 AM? I forced myself not to dwell on it and before I could think it through I agreed to meet.
We had our first run on the track, in the pitch dark and freezing cold. I’ve spent countless hours on the very same track, coaching kids in all kinds of crazy weather, but this was a completely new experience. We enjoyed the camaraderie of circling the track together for 45 minutes and the exhilaration and sense of accomplishment when it was over. Perhaps it was due to a runner’s high, but suddenly I found myself agreeing to do it again the next day. We’ve been meeting twice a week ever since.
A typical morning run usually consists of 2 to 6 people and although it’s small, our group is mighty. We’ve shared endless stories in the dark, witnessed gorgeous sunrises over the lake and the full moon reflecting on the water, spotted bald eagles and despite my initial reluctance, it’s turned into something that I truly love and look forward to. Dare I say I’m now someone who enjoys getting up earlier and running at these crazy hours?
As fate would have it, another run club, Barryville Runners, began around the same time just 30 minutes away. We were totally unaware of each other for over a month. When their leader found out about us she immediately reached out to me. We met for coffee on a Sunday afternoon and we’ve been working together ever since. Is it a mere coincidence that she and her husband hosted runs on Saturday and Sunday (days I couldn’t commit to) and we hosted weekday runs (days she couldn’t commit to)? I don’t believe in coincidences and it’s obvious that together we’re the perfect blend!
We meet in the middle on holidays and now offer runs 5 days a week! How cool is it that we get to work together, meet new people almost every week and grow the local community?! A year ago I wouldn’t have believed we’d have two successful groups that number over 30 people who are out there hitting the roads together.
I am so grateful that I paid attention to that persistent nudge, then stepped out of my comfort zone to say yes. I shudder to think I almost gave up.
If you feel the nudge to try something new, don’t let fear or the desire to have it all figured out stop you from taking that first step. Just go for it and see where it leads. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I’d become an early morning runner, running with others 3 to 4 times a week, or that I’d be part of an incredible local running community.
If you’re considering giving walking or running a try, search for a local run club. You’ll gain immediate friends and be constantly motivated and inspired. I know I am every single time we get together!
Thank you to Sullivan Sole and Barryville Runners (especially Caity!) from the bottom of my heart. You’ve all made a huge impact on my life and I’m forever grateful! I’m looking forward to many more happy miles together!
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