I’ve heard it said a million times that perspective is everything. Although we may not always be able to control our circumstances, we can learn to control how we react to them. I love the way that sounds, but to be honest, when it comes to actually applying it to my life it often seems too good to be true. It’s no easy feat to derail a train of negative energy barreling through my brain. Quite frankly, at times I don’t want to even try. It often seems insurmountable because the energy and focus required to shift my perspective isn’t always there. But I’ve also learned the hard way that allowing negative thoughts to run rampant, especially in challenging circumstances, only makes matters worse.

For me it’s a much more difficult challenge if I just sit around trying to talk myself into a better mindset. It rarely works. My negative default is too strong, so just telling myself to think differently results in an exhausting mind battle. I have to get moving. 

Movement and fresh air do wonders for my thoughts. Even if I have trouble thinking positively on a run, most of the time I notice a shift in perspective within a few hours. More often than not, it happens during the run, where the heaviness of whatever I’m feeling begins to lessen. It’s not easy, forcing myself to move when every cell in my body is screaming “screw you”, but I finally learned that if I want anything to change, I have to scream right back at it by stepping out the door. It’s difficult to describe how powerful that one step outside really is, because that one step is monumental and the one that seems insurmountable. I have to remind myself every day that it’s not. I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again. 

So when a challenge presents itself and my immediate reaction is to feel angry, frustrated, hopeless, etc., that’s when I know it’s time to get moving. Otherwise, all of those feelings will settle deep into my being and easily become a burden that threatens to extinguish anything left that’s positive. Then I’m really stuck. Movement, whether it’s walking, running, lifting weights, biking, etc., always helps me to see things differently. It truly is amazing how powerful the act of putting on my shoes, opening the door and stepping outside is. Immediately I feel something shift and rather than next step feeling impossible, it’s easier and more inviting.

That’s what I find so fascinating about these last two years. I’ve experienced so many setbacks and frustrating circumstances (read my last two blogs!). But somehow I’m getting stronger mentally. Even though I feel like crap on the majority of my runs, the momentum has been priceless and keeps me sane. Tons of negative thoughts have bombarded my mind, and it’s very easy to just let them take over. At times I have allowed them to win by staying still and giving those thoughts power. But I’m witnessing firsthand how amazing it is when I step out, conquer them and replace them with a fresh perspective that allows me to keep moving forward with gratitude and strength.

But don’t take my word for it. You have to see for yourself. If your thoughts are threatening you, that is your signal to move. Change your scenery. Go outside and take deep breaths and move forward however you can, and that forward momentum will work in your favor. 

Check out Kelly McGonigal on the Rich Roll podcast (  https://youtu.be/ifw03u4IrS8 )     to understand the science behind why this happens! 

Rich Roll – “Movement is a dose of hope that can boost your mental health.”