Dare I say I feel good today ? Am I actually walking around lighter and more free? 

The pace of my five miler was quicker than usual, yet the effort was noticeably less. I even enjoyed (yes, enjoyed!) challenging myself with some sprints that didn’t wipe me out like they typically do. For once I felt strong and capable!

My muscles and joints didn’t rebel against me with stiffness and pain. My mobility has increased. My breathing wasn’t labored and the lining around my heart didn’t cry out to me in pain. 

I’m 5 pounds lighter (and I’m not even trying to lose weight, but hey- I’ll take it!) thanks to cutting out all processed food while overdosing on veggies (1.5 pounds of them to be specific).

Proper hydration – drinking lots of water- reawakened my cells that are now coming back to life with more energy and are eager to heal.

My mind is less cluttered as the cobwebs dislodge and get swept away. My vision is less blurry. My eyes no longer burn and ache. 

The butterfly rash is still apparent, especially after a hot, sweaty run, but my insides no longer feel as though they’re on fire.

I’m learning to love the process of fueling my body with foods that work to heal me from the inside out. 

Yes, it is a process. I need to remain persistent yet patient. But today the affirmation I needed to stay motivated finally came. All the hours of learning and planning, buying, washing and cutting up veggies on repeat, and blending smoothies are starting to pay off! When I want to give up — I’ve certainly had my moments— I’ll keep pressing on. My body is finally thanking me! 

Cheers to 3 weeks and still going strong!