Running with joy through perimenopause and autoimmune disease.

Author Feisty Runner

I am a proud mom, wife, retired teacher, cross country and track coach. Join me as I navigate life’s curveballs and embrace being a strong woman in my 50s. Together we will learn, grow and conquer whatever comes our way.

The Exciting News My Latest Lupus Labs Revealed

Wait! What did my rheumatologist just say?! All of my labs are back to normal, and all the markers that previously indicated lupus are now negative? It took a while for that to actually sink in after my rheumatologist appointment… Continue Reading →

Challenges After 6 Weeks Of Healthy Eating

I’m not going to lie, this new endeavor of following a strict nutritional protocol to heal my lupus can be downright frustrating at times. My goal is always to be transparent and real, so I will start by saying last… Continue Reading →

My Latest Cardiologist Appointment

Did I actually just leave a doctor’s appointment smiling? Yes! Finally! It feels great to walk out without feeling stupid, frustrated or angry. There’ve been plenty of those negative moments over the past two years so naturally I’ve gotten in… Continue Reading →

How A Foggy Morning Run Revealed A Profound Lesson

This morning I headed out the door into the dense fog to run in a nearby neighborhood called the Flats. My mind was groggy, the twinge of pain in my foot annoyed me and my body was tired. I chose… Continue Reading →

My Thoughts On The Two Year Anniversary Of My Medical Nightmare

“Your blood pressure is too low for us to give you any pain meds, but we’ll numb the point of insertion. Just take deep breaths and relax. You are in really good hands.”  It’s hard to believe that’s the scenario… Continue Reading →

What I’ve Noticed After 3 Weeks Of Hyper Nourishment

Dare I say I feel good today ? Am I actually walking around lighter and more free?  The pace of my five miler was quicker than usual, yet the effort was noticeably less. I even enjoyed (yes, enjoyed!) challenging myself… Continue Reading →

How I’m Taking Charge Of My Lupus Naturally

It’s the night before starting the Goodbye Lupus Protocol ( basically a raw, whole foods, plant based diet) and I’m feeling extremely weird and emotional. At our favorite restaurant today I couldn’t even finish my meal. Halfway through, I got… Continue Reading →

The Beauty Of Music Festivals: Uprise 2023

Ever since my boys were little, we’ve been going to music festivals as a family. Actually, if you want to be precise, they’ve been going since before they were born! I always laugh when I hear them tell people they… Continue Reading →

How I Survived My First Summer With Lupus

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always worshiped the sun. Growing up on a lake, I spent endless hours every summer swimming, sailing, running, and challenging my friends to see who could get the darkest tan by summer’s… Continue Reading →

Tour Wrap Up — The Final Two Weeks

 The last two weeks of our 7 week US tour did not disappoint. Not everything was perfect — and I’ll write about the challenges eventually — and it certainly wasn’t easy, but thanks to the incredible people we were fortunate… Continue Reading →

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