Running with joy through perimenopause and autoimmune disease.

Tag cardiologist

My Latest Cardiologist Appointment

Did I actually just leave a doctor’s appointment smiling? Yes! Finally! It feels great to walk out without feeling stupid, frustrated or angry. There’ve been plenty of those negative moments over the past two years so naturally I’ve gotten in… Continue Reading →

My Thoughts On The Two Year Anniversary Of My Medical Nightmare

“Your blood pressure is too low for us to give you any pain meds, but we’ll numb the point of insertion. Just take deep breaths and relax. You are in really good hands.”  It’s hard to believe that’s the scenario… Continue Reading →

How I Inadvertently Found Out I Have Lupus

 Over the past two years, I have completely lost trust (although I didn’t have much to begin with) in our traditional medical system. Personally, I’ve been dealing with a myriad of symptoms for two years now. Whenever I talk to… Continue Reading →

Health Update and Why I’m Grateful

 My latest appointment with my rheumatologist was fairly uneventful, which I suppose is actually a good thing. The blood work results from last week were encouraging as they showed my inflammation markers have settled back down to normal. I am… Continue Reading →

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