Running with joy through perimenopause and autoimmune disease.

Tag covid

Is My Three Year Battle With A Mystery Illness Over?

Your blood tests are normal. Your x-rays look great. I have nothing here to base a diagnosis on. We ran all kinds of tests and there’s nothing abnormal to see. How ironic that a year ago I wrote about being… Continue Reading →

The Exciting News My Latest Lupus Labs Revealed

Wait! What did my rheumatologist just say?! All of my labs are back to normal, and all the markers that previously indicated lupus are now negative? It took a while for that to actually sink in after my rheumatologist appointment… Continue Reading →

My Latest Cardiologist Appointment

Did I actually just leave a doctor’s appointment smiling? Yes! Finally! It feels great to walk out without feeling stupid, frustrated or angry. There’ve been plenty of those negative moments over the past two years so naturally I’ve gotten in… Continue Reading →

My Thoughts On The Two Year Anniversary Of My Medical Nightmare

“Your blood pressure is too low for us to give you any pain meds, but we’ll numb the point of insertion. Just take deep breaths and relax. You are in really good hands.”  It’s hard to believe that’s the scenario… Continue Reading →

Why It’s Difficult Accepting A Lupus Diagnosis

Because there’s been so much confusion and debate over what is actually going on in my body for the last two years, it seems strange to now have a diagnosis. One minute I accept having lupus, but then I immediately… Continue Reading →

How I Inadvertently Found Out I Have Lupus

 Over the past two years, I have completely lost trust (although I didn’t have much to begin with) in our traditional medical system. Personally, I’ve been dealing with a myriad of symptoms for two years now. Whenever I talk to… Continue Reading →

The Value Of Mindset In Overcoming Chronic Illness

A post from two years ago recently popped up in my feed and in it I spoke about how it had been two weeks since my very first diagnosis with Covid. I mentioned how it kicked my ass with exhaustion,… Continue Reading →

How I Developed A Positive Mindset Despite Challenging Circumstances

Having a chronic illness, with symptoms occurring in unpredictable cycles, has been extremely frustrating.  However, despite all the uncertainty and trials, I have taken steps that have been very helpful in dealing with the frustration. I love it because these… Continue Reading →

Prednisone Withdrawal and What It Taught Me

There was a time not long ago when I thought I would never arrive at this milestone. Numerous times I tried to taper off prednisone, and each time my chest pain returned. In October 2021 during my first hospital admission,… Continue Reading →

Here’s To 2022: Year Of The Roller Coaster

Ask my family what I think of roller coasters and they’ll quickly tell you that I’d be content to never step foot on one again. My last experience resulted in me laying on a bench in the amusement park trying… Continue Reading →

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