Running with joy through perimenopause and autoimmune disease.

Tag depression

The Powerful Effect Of Nutrition On Mental Health

A crucial lesson I have learned first hand is that my diet directly affects my mood. What’s really exciting to me is that there is a growing body of research to show how and why what we eat greatly impacts… Continue Reading →

On The Road To Wellness There Are No Shortcuts

Do you ever get frustrated because life is like a rollercoaster? Do you ever get annoyed, perhaps even at God, because He won’t snap His fingers and vaporize all the obstacles in your life? Are you like me and often… Continue Reading →

Simple Strategies That Keep Me Motivated To Choose Healthy

While reflecting on a conversation I recently had with some friends who were struggling, I was brought back to the countless times when life seemed hopelessly overwhelming and all I wanted to do was give up. I thought of the… Continue Reading →

It’s Time To Rekindle Your Relationship With Nature

Growing up immersed in nature was an amazing privilege. Thanks to my involvement in sports, particularly cross-country and track, I was out in the elements pretty much no matter what. Rain, snow, heat, or cold — none of that stopped… Continue Reading →

When Lupus, Bad Decisions and the Weather Conspired Against Me

  Have you ever had a day when the thought of working out is unbearable and nothing seems to go right? Thankfully, those days have been few and far between lately – until yesterday. It was one of those days… Continue Reading →

My Thanksgiving Run – What An Injury Taught Me About Gratitude And Motivation

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always made it a point to go for a long run on Thanksgiving morning. Hitting the pavement nice and early wakes me up and mentally prepares me for a day that revolves… Continue Reading →

The Key To Motivation And Getting Started

A big misconception is that you need to be motivated to get rolling. You don’t. Research shows that motivation follows action, not the other way around. You don’t need to feel good to get going, you need to get going… Continue Reading →

How I’m Coming To Grips With The Change Of Seasons

Does setting the clocks back in the fall bother anyone else as much as it bothers me? It’s definitely in the running for my least favorite day of the year. Without fail, it disrupts my sleep (for an annoyingly long… Continue Reading →

How A Foggy Morning Run Revealed A Profound Lesson

This morning I headed out the door into the dense fog to run in a nearby neighborhood called the Flats. My mind was groggy, the twinge of pain in my foot annoyed me and my body was tired. I chose… Continue Reading →

‘Tis The Season For SAD – How Running Helps Me Beat The Winter Blues

This is a throwback to an article I wrote in December 2010 for our local running club’s newsletter. I decided to share it with you now as reminder that if you are feeling the effects of winter (less sunlight, less… Continue Reading →

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