Running with joy through perimenopause and autoimmune disease.

Tag exercise

The Key To Motivation And Getting Started

A big misconception is that you need to be motivated to get rolling. You don’t. Research shows that motivation follows action, not the other way around. You don’t need to feel good to get going, you need to get going… Continue Reading →

How I’m Coming To Grips With The Change Of Seasons

Does setting the clocks back in the fall bother anyone else as much as it bothers me? It’s definitely in the running for my least favorite day of the year. Without fail, it disrupts my sleep (for an annoyingly long… Continue Reading →

How I’m Taking Charge Of My Lupus Naturally

It’s the night before starting the Goodbye Lupus Protocol ( basically a raw, whole foods, plant based diet) and I’m feeling extremely weird and emotional. At our favorite restaurant today I couldn’t even finish my meal. Halfway through, I got… Continue Reading →

When Negativity Calls, Movement Changes Everything

I’ve heard it said a million times that perspective is everything. Although we may not always be able to control our circumstances, we can learn to control how we react to them. I love the way that sounds, but to… Continue Reading →

Embracing Gratitude In A Year Of Uncertainty

What a roller coaster these past 14 months have been! The ups and downs have often triggered feelings of self-pity and resentment. On my run this morning, my entire body hurt (probably from lifting weights, but it still reminded me… Continue Reading →

How I Turned My Frustration Into Fuel For Fighting A Mystery Illness

Thanks to this incredibly annoying “mystery illness” I was extremely frustrated and annoyed last week.  For a few days I felt a subtle ache deep within my chest while the rest of my body didn’t seem quite right (something I… Continue Reading →

How Running Helps Me Manage My Mental Health

What a thrill it was to hit my highest mileage week in months! It was a week defined by new strength and focus. I was stoked to have run a sub eight minute mile, essentially cutting my time in half… Continue Reading →

Lessons From 100 Days Of Yoga

Consistency has never been one of my strengths. My approach to life is usually “all or nothing” (which I know is not a good approach – but hey, I’m being honest), so it’s very easy for a few days off,… Continue Reading →

Transform Your Mind With Movement

 While watching the local meteorologist give her report on the morning news, my heart sank and I immediately grew aggravated. She was pointing to my county on the map predicting 6 to 12 inches of snow to hit my area… Continue Reading →

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