Running with joy through perimenopause and autoimmune disease.

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How I Developed A Positive Mindset Despite Challenging Circumstances

Having a chronic illness, with symptoms occurring in unpredictable cycles, has been extremely frustrating.  However, despite all the uncertainty and trials, I have taken steps that have been very helpful in dealing with the frustration. I love it because these… Continue Reading →

Prednisone Withdrawal and What It Taught Me

There was a time not long ago when I thought I would never arrive at this milestone. Numerous times I tried to taper off prednisone, and each time my chest pain returned. In October 2021 during my first hospital admission,… Continue Reading →

Embracing Gratitude In A Year Of Uncertainty

What a roller coaster these past 14 months have been! The ups and downs have often triggered feelings of self-pity and resentment. On my run this morning, my entire body hurt (probably from lifting weights, but it still reminded me… Continue Reading →

What A Summer Tour Taught Me About Listening And Love

Doesn’t it drive you crazy when you’re talking to someone and you know they’re not fully listening to you? You know the type, someone who is completely distracted by everything around them, constantly glancing at their phone, obviously biting their… Continue Reading →

Lessons From My Summer On The Road

I never would have imagined that driving over 7000 miles with my husband, dog, and three teenagers (OK, two of them JUST turned 20 so they’re still teenagers to me) for six and a half weeks that spanned 15 different… Continue Reading →

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