Running with joy through perimenopause and autoimmune disease.

Tag health

The Powerful Effect Of Nutrition On Mental Health

A crucial lesson I have learned first hand is that my diet directly affects my mood. What’s really exciting to me is that there is a growing body of research to show how and why what we eat greatly impacts… Continue Reading →

How Becoming Running Partners Changed Our Lives

I’ll be the first to admit that I hate being an Empty Nester. The house is too quiet, there’s less toothpaste on the bathroom walls (which for some strange reason makes me sad), the dog sits outside their rooms with… Continue Reading →

Body Image Part 2: Valuing Strength

For most of my life I’ve been obsessively  striving to be skinny. In my mind, mainly due to the culture at the time, skinny was synonymous with good. To look good you had to be skinny, therefore that’s what I… Continue Reading →

Lessons From 100 Days Of Yoga

Consistency has never been one of my strengths. My approach to life is usually “all or nothing” (which I know is not a good approach – but hey, I’m being honest), so it’s very easy for a few days off,… Continue Reading →

How My Illness Made Me Grateful

 When I had Covid back in March of 2021, I never thought I’d be dealing with residual issues 11 months later – especially not heart issues. I had read articles early on about some athletes who had experienced heart problems… Continue Reading →

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