Running with joy through perimenopause and autoimmune disease.

Tag inflammation

What I’ve Noticed After 3 Weeks Of Hyper Nourishment

Dare I say I feel good today ? Am I actually walking around lighter and more free?  The pace of my five miler was quicker than usual, yet the effort was noticeably less. I even enjoyed (yes, enjoyed!) challenging myself… Continue Reading →

How I’m Taking Charge Of My Lupus Naturally

It’s the night before starting the Goodbye Lupus Protocol ( basically a raw, whole foods, plant based diet) and I’m feeling extremely weird and emotional. At our favorite restaurant today I couldn’t even finish my meal. Halfway through, I got… Continue Reading →

How I Survived My First Summer With Lupus

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always worshiped the sun. Growing up on a lake, I spent endless hours every summer swimming, sailing, running, and challenging my friends to see who could get the darkest tan by summer’s… Continue Reading →

Embracing Gratitude In A Year Of Uncertainty

What a roller coaster these past 14 months have been! The ups and downs have often triggered feelings of self-pity and resentment. On my run this morning, my entire body hurt (probably from lifting weights, but it still reminded me… Continue Reading →

Health Update and Why I’m Grateful

 My latest appointment with my rheumatologist was fairly uneventful, which I suppose is actually a good thing. The blood work results from last week were encouraging as they showed my inflammation markers have settled back down to normal. I am… Continue Reading →

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