Running with joy through perimenopause and autoimmune disease.

Tag Mental health

The Key To Motivation And Getting Started

A big misconception is that you need to be motivated to get rolling. You don’t. Research shows that motivation follows action, not the other way around. You don’t need to feel good to get going, you need to get going… Continue Reading →

How I’m Coming To Grips With The Change Of Seasons

Does setting the clocks back in the fall bother anyone else as much as it bothers me? It’s definitely in the running for my least favorite day of the year. Without fail, it disrupts my sleep (for an annoyingly long… Continue Reading →

How A Foggy Morning Run Revealed A Profound Lesson

This morning I headed out the door into the dense fog to run in a nearby neighborhood called the Flats. My mind was groggy, the twinge of pain in my foot annoyed me and my body was tired. I chose… Continue Reading →

How Getting Older Has Taught Me To Stop Hating My Body

 Do you ever look closely at yourself in the mirror or scrutinize a photo and find yourself being hyper critical of every inch of your face and body? Has your inner dialogue ever sounded something like this —  “I hate… Continue Reading →

The Value Of Mindset In Overcoming Chronic Illness

A post from two years ago recently popped up in my feed and in it I spoke about how it had been two weeks since my very first diagnosis with Covid. I mentioned how it kicked my ass with exhaustion,… Continue Reading →

How A Horrible Run Taught Me A Valuable Lesson

Last week was a terrible week for running. Every morning my entire body hurt, so it took me forever to get going. My muscles and  joints ached. It seemed as if every inch of my body was stiff and sore…. Continue Reading →

How I Developed A Positive Mindset Despite Challenging Circumstances

Having a chronic illness, with symptoms occurring in unpredictable cycles, has been extremely frustrating.  However, despite all the uncertainty and trials, I have taken steps that have been very helpful in dealing with the frustration. I love it because these… Continue Reading →

How Struggle Sparked A New Appreciation For Running

Do you ever find yourself longing to be young again, running around effortlessly with boundless energy, except this time around with an acute awareness and appreciation for the gift you’ve been given?  When I was a kid, I was very… Continue Reading →

Body Image Part 2: Valuing Strength

For most of my life I’ve been obsessively  striving to be skinny. In my mind, mainly due to the culture at the time, skinny was synonymous with good. To look good you had to be skinny, therefore that’s what I… Continue Reading →

Body Image Issues Part 1 — How Do You Feel About Your Body?

A poor body image has haunted me since high school. Throughout my childhood and middle school years I was very athletic, skinny and even sported the iconic Dorothy Hamill haircut. As a result, I was often mistaken for a boy…. Continue Reading →

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