Running with joy through perimenopause and autoimmune disease.

Tag Mental health

‘Tis The Season For SAD – How Running Helps Me Beat The Winter Blues

This is a throwback to an article I wrote in December 2010 for our local running club’s newsletter. I decided to share it with you now as reminder that if you are feeling the effects of winter (less sunlight, less… Continue Reading →

Embracing Gratitude In A Year Of Uncertainty

What a roller coaster these past 14 months have been! The ups and downs have often triggered feelings of self-pity and resentment. On my run this morning, my entire body hurt (probably from lifting weights, but it still reminded me… Continue Reading →

How I Turned My Frustration Into Fuel For Fighting A Mystery Illness

Thanks to this incredibly annoying “mystery illness” I was extremely frustrated and annoyed last week.  For a few days I felt a subtle ache deep within my chest while the rest of my body didn’t seem quite right (something I… Continue Reading →

When I Turned Off The Music, Something Amazing Happened

I live for music. To say my life revolves around it would be an understatement. Due to my kids being in a successful touring band that has been a family project since they were 10 years old, I am completely… Continue Reading →

How Running Helps Me Manage My Mental Health

What a thrill it was to hit my highest mileage week in months! It was a week defined by new strength and focus. I was stoked to have run a sub eight minute mile, essentially cutting my time in half… Continue Reading →

How Running Rescued Me From Negative Thoughts

Running is such a powerful tool for transforming our thoughts. Today’s run was a perfect example.  I had just left my rheumatologist’s office feeling pissed and frustrated, fighting back tears because I had just learned I needed to start another… Continue Reading →

How My Illness Made Me Grateful

 When I had Covid back in March of 2021, I never thought I’d be dealing with residual issues 11 months later – especially not heart issues. I had read articles early on about some athletes who had experienced heart problems… Continue Reading →

Transform Your Mind With Movement

 While watching the local meteorologist give her report on the morning news, my heart sank and I immediately grew aggravated. She was pointing to my county on the map predicting 6 to 12 inches of snow to hit my area… Continue Reading →

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