Running with joy through perimenopause and autoimmune disease.

Tag pericarditis

Prednisone Withdrawal and What It Taught Me

There was a time not long ago when I thought I would never arrive at this milestone. Numerous times I tried to taper off prednisone, and each time my chest pain returned. In October 2021 during my first hospital admission,… Continue Reading →

Body Image Part 2: Valuing Strength

For most of my life I’ve been obsessively  striving to be skinny. In my mind, mainly due to the culture at the time, skinny was synonymous with good. To look good you had to be skinny, therefore that’s what I… Continue Reading →

Here’s To 2022: Year Of The Roller Coaster

Ask my family what I think of roller coasters and they’ll quickly tell you that I’d be content to never step foot on one again. My last experience resulted in me laying on a bench in the amusement park trying… Continue Reading →

Embracing Gratitude In A Year Of Uncertainty

What a roller coaster these past 14 months have been! The ups and downs have often triggered feelings of self-pity and resentment. On my run this morning, my entire body hurt (probably from lifting weights, but it still reminded me… Continue Reading →

How I Turned My Frustration Into Fuel For Fighting A Mystery Illness

Thanks to this incredibly annoying “mystery illness” I was extremely frustrated and annoyed last week.  For a few days I felt a subtle ache deep within my chest while the rest of my body didn’t seem quite right (something I… Continue Reading →

Lessons From My Year Of Uncertainty

Don’t judge me for admitting this, but this week I was expecting my doctor to call me to confirm a lupus diagnosis and when he didn’t, I was actually disappointed. I really wanted a specific name for what’s been ailing… Continue Reading →

When I Turned Off The Music, Something Amazing Happened

I live for music. To say my life revolves around it would be an understatement. Due to my kids being in a successful touring band that has been a family project since they were 10 years old, I am completely… Continue Reading →

How Running Helps Me Manage My Mental Health

What a thrill it was to hit my highest mileage week in months! It was a week defined by new strength and focus. I was stoked to have run a sub eight minute mile, essentially cutting my time in half… Continue Reading →

How To Be Your Own Best Advocate

One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned this past year during my battle with long Covid and pericarditis is if we want to get answers in the healthcare system, we have to be our own best advocate. It’s nearly… Continue Reading →

How Running Rescued Me From Negative Thoughts

Running is such a powerful tool for transforming our thoughts. Today’s run was a perfect example.  I had just left my rheumatologist’s office feeling pissed and frustrated, fighting back tears because I had just learned I needed to start another… Continue Reading →

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