Your blood tests are normal. Your x-rays look great. I have nothing here to base a diagnosis on. We ran all kinds of tests and there’s nothing abnormal to see. How ironic that a year ago I wrote about being… Continue Reading →
Why is my body rebelling against me? This frustrating thought frequents my mind – especially throughout these past two years as if somehow, my lupus symptoms were my body’s way of saying “screw you“ while purposely spiting me with illness…. Continue Reading →
This holiday season I was faced with a difficult choice. I could continue following the raw vegan nutrition protocol I had embarked on to reverse my lupus, or I could indulge for a few days and hope for no adverse… Continue Reading →
Wait! What did my rheumatologist just say?! All of my labs are back to normal, and all the markers that previously indicated lupus are now negative? It took a while for that to actually sink in after my rheumatologist appointment… Continue Reading →
I’m not going to lie, this new endeavor of following a strict nutritional protocol to heal my lupus can be downright frustrating at times. My goal is always to be transparent and real, so I will start by saying last… Continue Reading →
Dare I say I feel good today ? Am I actually walking around lighter and more free? The pace of my five miler was quicker than usual, yet the effort was noticeably less. I even enjoyed (yes, enjoyed!) challenging myself… Continue Reading →
It’s the night before starting the Goodbye Lupus Protocol ( basically a raw, whole foods, plant based diet) and I’m feeling extremely weird and emotional. At our favorite restaurant today I couldn’t even finish my meal. Halfway through, I got… Continue Reading →
Ask my family what I think of roller coasters and they’ll quickly tell you that I’d be content to never step foot on one again. My last experience resulted in me laying on a bench in the amusement park trying… Continue Reading →
Thanks to this incredibly annoying “mystery illness” I was extremely frustrated and annoyed last week. For a few days I felt a subtle ache deep within my chest while the rest of my body didn’t seem quite right (something I… Continue Reading →
Don’t judge me for admitting this, but this week I was expecting my doctor to call me to confirm a lupus diagnosis and when he didn’t, I was actually disappointed. I really wanted a specific name for what’s been ailing… Continue Reading →
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