Running with joy through perimenopause and autoimmune disease.

Tag running

Celebrating My Path

 Never in a million years did I think there would come a day when I’d be so thrilled to run a 10 minute mile. For most of my running life, a 10 minute pace was reserved for warm-ups and cool… Continue Reading →

How My Illness Made Me Grateful

 When I had Covid back in March of 2021, I never thought I’d be dealing with residual issues 11 months later – especially not heart issues. I had read articles early on about some athletes who had experienced heart problems… Continue Reading →

Embracing A Slow Recovery

The air was crisp and cool, sun shining on my face warming my soul, but the muscles in my legs quivered like Jell-O and I felt as if I had never exercised a day in my life. Instead of focusing… Continue Reading →

Transform Your Mind With Movement

 While watching the local meteorologist give her report on the morning news, my heart sank and I immediately grew aggravated. She was pointing to my county on the map predicting 6 to 12 inches of snow to hit my area… Continue Reading →

Take Time to Recalibrate

 New Year’s Resolution. What types of emotions or thoughts does that phrase elicit? Do those words fill you with excitement or dread? Hope or fear? Relief or regret? For me, all of these feelings showed up in the days leading… Continue Reading →

Health Update and Why I’m Grateful

 My latest appointment with my rheumatologist was fairly uneventful, which I suppose is actually a good thing. The blood work results from last week were encouraging as they showed my inflammation markers have settled back down to normal. I am… Continue Reading →

Choosing Transformation

 Over the past several months, I’ve read numerous books about menopause. Back  in the spring I was determined to discover ways to ease my symptoms: fatigue, hot flashes, dizziness, nausea when running, joint pain, headaches, cognitive issues etc. Then in… Continue Reading →

And So It Begins…

While suffering through yet another long run during the summer of 2021, I had an idea… start writing a blog about what I was experiencing physically and mentally due to peri menopause. Selfishly, it would just be a useful tool in… Continue Reading →


Welcome to Running Thru Quicksand. I am a proud mom, wife, retired teacher, cross country and track coach. Join me as I navigate life’s curveballs as I embrace being a strong woman in my 50s. Together we will learn, grow… Continue Reading →

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