Running with joy through perimenopause and autoimmune disease.

Tag transformation

Challenges After 6 Weeks Of Healthy Eating

I’m not going to lie, this new endeavor of following a strict nutritional protocol to heal my lupus can be downright frustrating at times. My goal is always to be transparent and real, so I will start by saying last… Continue Reading →

How Becoming Running Partners Changed Our Lives

I’ll be the first to admit that I hate being an Empty Nester. The house is too quiet, there’s less toothpaste on the bathroom walls (which for some strange reason makes me sad), the dog sits outside their rooms with… Continue Reading →

Prednisone Withdrawal and What It Taught Me

There was a time not long ago when I thought I would never arrive at this milestone. Numerous times I tried to taper off prednisone, and each time my chest pain returned. In October 2021 during my first hospital admission,… Continue Reading →

Embracing Gratitude In A Year Of Uncertainty

What a roller coaster these past 14 months have been! The ups and downs have often triggered feelings of self-pity and resentment. On my run this morning, my entire body hurt (probably from lifting weights, but it still reminded me… Continue Reading →

Transform Your Mind With Movement

 While watching the local meteorologist give her report on the morning news, my heart sank and I immediately grew aggravated. She was pointing to my county on the map predicting 6 to 12 inches of snow to hit my area… Continue Reading →

Choosing Transformation

 Over the past several months, I’ve read numerous books about menopause. Back  in the spring I was determined to discover ways to ease my symptoms: fatigue, hot flashes, dizziness, nausea when running, joint pain, headaches, cognitive issues etc. Then in… Continue Reading →

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