Along the journey to an audacious goal, hurdles and setbacks threaten to derail us, often provoking doubt in our progress and abilities. The fear of such obstacles often prevents me from aiming high (or even at all). Ironically, the hurdles… Continue Reading →
“Research shows the most profound learning happens when we’re challenged…” Steve Magness. This week was the official start of my half marathon training, and let’s just say — I had many opportunities to test the validity of that quote. The… Continue Reading →
It’s pitch dark, 20°, and nothing about this seems fun. What did I get myself into? These were my waking thoughts at 4:45 AM on the morning of our first run club meetup a year ago. It’s amazing how much… Continue Reading →
It’s pitch dark, my blaring alarm is interrupting my dream and I can’t figure out why I’m being forced awake at the ungodly hour of 4:45 AM. Slowly it dawns on me that I actually have to get out of… Continue Reading →
Does setting the clocks back in the fall bother anyone else as much as it bothers me? It’s definitely in the running for my least favorite day of the year. Without fail, it disrupts my sleep (for an annoyingly long… Continue Reading →
This is a throwback to an article I wrote in December 2010 for our local running club’s newsletter. I decided to share it with you now as reminder that if you are feeling the effects of winter (less sunlight, less… Continue Reading →
The air was crisp and cool, sun shining on my face warming my soul, but the muscles in my legs quivered like Jell-O and I felt as if I had never exercised a day in my life. Instead of focusing… Continue Reading →
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