Running with joy through perimenopause and autoimmune disease.

Tag benefits of running

Has Winter Stolen My Motivation And The Joy Of Running ?

Along the journey to an audacious goal, hurdles and setbacks threaten to derail us, often provoking doubt in our progress and abilities. The fear of such obstacles often prevents me from aiming high (or even at all). Ironically, the hurdles… Continue Reading →

Reflections and Goals for the New Year

The year 2024 brought countless lessons my way. The first thing I discovered  was how certain foods affect my body. After embarking on a raw vegan diet in September of 2023 to reverse my supposed lupus, I spent the latter… Continue Reading →

When Perimenopause Wreaks Havoc On My Body

Ahhh… I feel like a teenager again! Except it’s totally not what you think. I wish I was referring to reclaiming the energy of my childhood and the lack of adult responsibilities. Unfortunately, it’s because the PMS symptoms of my… Continue Reading →

How Running in the Brutal Cold Renewed My Hope

All my husband did was ask when I’d be ready to leave for the gym. So why did I burst into tears and insist he go without me? Where did the wave of discontent and despair that overwhelmed my body… Continue Reading →

What Running Has Taught Me About Gratitude

Despite many challenges and a few setbacks this year, I have so much to be grateful for. Being sick changes everything.   For me running is usually an indicator of how life is going in general, and through my running… Continue Reading →

The Joy Of Running In My 50s

Running has always been a part of my life. Memories from running when I was five years old still hold a special place in my heart. Truth be told though, it hasn’t always been positive. But when you run for… Continue Reading →

When Lupus, Bad Decisions and the Weather Conspired Against Me

  Have you ever had a day when the thought of working out is unbearable and nothing seems to go right? Thankfully, those days have been few and far between lately – until yesterday. It was one of those days… Continue Reading →

How Running A Half Marathon Changed Me

Despite an ongoing battle with lupus, a year ago I said screw it and signed up for a half marathon. My episodes of pericarditis (inflammation of the lining of my heart causing chest pain and fluid buildup) were under control… Continue Reading →

My Troubling Realization About Our Unnatural Lives

It blows my mind how unnatural, robotic and disconnected our lives have become.   This realization consumed me early one morning at Planet Fitness. I was mindlessly running on the treadmill when I glanced around and was struck by the… Continue Reading →

Why I Surprisingly Love My Pre-dawn Runs With A Running Club

It’s pitch dark, my blaring alarm is interrupting my dream and I can’t figure out why I’m being forced awake at the ungodly hour of 4:45 AM. Slowly it dawns on me that I actually have to get out of… Continue Reading →

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