Running with joy through perimenopause and autoimmune disease.

Tag goals

How A Ten Miler And Winning A Half Marathon Entry Reignited My Spark

Time to celebrate because last weekend I finally logged a double digit run! My 10 miler on Sunday is the farthest I’ve run since March 12, 2023 when I ran the Celebrate Life half marathon. That race was my “prove-to-myself-I-can-come-back-from-long-Covid-and-pericarditis”… Continue Reading →

My Running Challenge For My 55th Birthday – Setting Goals

It’s time for a challenge! It’s been almost 2 years since I’ve set a goal for myself in terms of running. Or in terms of anything for that matter! In March 2023, I ran a half marathon, which was my… Continue Reading →

Simple Strategies That Keep Me Motivated To Choose Healthy

While reflecting on a conversation I recently had with some friends who were struggling, I was brought back to the countless times when life seemed hopelessly overwhelming and all I wanted to do was give up. I thought of the… Continue Reading →

How Becoming Running Partners Changed Our Lives

I’ll be the first to admit that I hate being an Empty Nester. The house is too quiet, there’s less toothpaste on the bathroom walls (which for some strange reason makes me sad), the dog sits outside their rooms with… Continue Reading →

Embracing A Slow Recovery

The air was crisp and cool, sun shining on my face warming my soul, but the muscles in my legs quivered like Jell-O and I felt as if I had never exercised a day in my life. Instead of focusing… Continue Reading →

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