Running with joy through perimenopause and autoimmune disease.

Tag Running blogger

How a Year of Running With Others Before Daybreak Changed Me

It’s pitch dark, 20°, and nothing about this seems fun. What did I get myself into? These were my waking thoughts at 4:45 AM on the morning of our first run club meetup a year ago. It’s amazing how much… Continue Reading →

Reflections and Goals for the New Year

The year 2024 brought countless lessons my way. The first thing I discovered  was how certain foods affect my body. After embarking on a raw vegan diet in September of 2023 to reverse my supposed lupus, I spent the latter… Continue Reading →

How Running in the Brutal Cold Renewed My Hope

All my husband did was ask when I’d be ready to leave for the gym. So why did I burst into tears and insist he go without me? Where did the wave of discontent and despair that overwhelmed my body… Continue Reading →

What Running Has Taught Me About Gratitude

Despite many challenges and a few setbacks this year, I have so much to be grateful for. Being sick changes everything.   For me running is usually an indicator of how life is going in general, and through my running… Continue Reading →

More Doctors, More Running

Was it really only three years ago that, practically overnight, I went from running 4 to 5 miles a day to struggling to walk a mile without chest pain, labored breathing, and legs that felt like Jell-O? I’ve definitely come… Continue Reading →

My Summer Of Pain And No Running

Why does every step I take send daggers of fiery pain shooting through my feet? Why are both of my ankles swollen so badly the bones are no longer visible? Why does everything I put on my feet, including socks,… Continue Reading →

Simple Strategies That Keep Me Motivated To Choose Healthy

While reflecting on a conversation I recently had with some friends who were struggling, I was brought back to the countless times when life seemed hopelessly overwhelming and all I wanted to do was give up. I thought of the… Continue Reading →

Am I Still An Athlete If I’m Older And Slower?

Why do I feel like a fraud when I associate the word athlete with myself? Because I’m 53? Because I’m much slower than I used to be? Because I don’t compete? Because I’m not specifically training for anything? I haven’t… Continue Reading →

The Deeper Joy Behind Running A Faster Pace

 No way!  I thought in disbelief when I saw the time for mile 6 displayed on my watch. 9:09!  No doubt about it — those  last 2 miles were exhilarating. I had decided to push myself at the end of… Continue Reading →

Feeling Like An Alien Inside My Own Body 

Does your body ever confuse the heck out of you, leaving you wondering what could possibly be going on inside you? It blows my mind how my body feels so different from day to day. It’s wild how one run… Continue Reading →

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