Running with joy through perimenopause and autoimmune disease.

Tag Running blogger

Why I Surprisingly Love My Pre-dawn Runs With A Running Club

It’s pitch dark, my blaring alarm is interrupting my dream and I can’t figure out why I’m being forced awake at the ungodly hour of 4:45 AM. Slowly it dawns on me that I actually have to get out of… Continue Reading →

My Thanksgiving Run – What An Injury Taught Me About Gratitude And Motivation

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always made it a point to go for a long run on Thanksgiving morning. Hitting the pavement nice and early wakes me up and mentally prepares me for a day that revolves… Continue Reading →

The Key To Motivation And Getting Started

A big misconception is that you need to be motivated to get rolling. You don’t. Research shows that motivation follows action, not the other way around. You don’t need to feel good to get going, you need to get going… Continue Reading →

My Latest Cardiologist Appointment

Did I actually just leave a doctor’s appointment smiling? Yes! Finally! It feels great to walk out without feeling stupid, frustrated or angry. There’ve been plenty of those negative moments over the past two years so naturally I’ve gotten in… Continue Reading →

How A Foggy Morning Run Revealed A Profound Lesson

This morning I headed out the door into the dense fog to run in a nearby neighborhood called the Flats. My mind was groggy, the twinge of pain in my foot annoyed me and my body was tired. I chose… Continue Reading →

How I Survived My First Summer With Lupus

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always worshiped the sun. Growing up on a lake, I spent endless hours every summer swimming, sailing, running, and challenging my friends to see who could get the darkest tan by summer’s… Continue Reading →

Why Having Lupus Sucks In The Summer

This will be the first week that I’ve put up a big fat ZERO for running mileage because it’s been WAY too hot to run. (Or even move for that matter!) It’s not for lack of intention. I’ve tried getting… Continue Reading →

The Joy Of Running In Unexpected Places

When all is said and done this summer, we will have spent seven weeks traversing the US driving through 21 states racking up thousands of miles on our RV. People will likely ask us (because they did last summer) about… Continue Reading →

When Negativity Calls, Movement Changes Everything

I’ve heard it said a million times that perspective is everything. Although we may not always be able to control our circumstances, we can learn to control how we react to them. I love the way that sounds, but to… Continue Reading →

Why I Write About Running

Running and I go way back — all the way back to the early 70’s when I was five years old. One of my earliest running memories is competing in the 100m dash and long jump at summer track meets… Continue Reading →

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