There’s nothing like that moment of panic after receiving an email confirmation from a purchase that suddenly makes a long-term commitment a reality. Once I grasped that my membership to Planet Fitness was now indeed reality – requiring me to… Continue Reading →
It blows my mind how unnatural, robotic and disconnected our lives have become. This realization consumed me early one morning at Planet Fitness. I was mindlessly running on the treadmill when I glanced around and was struck by the… Continue Reading →
It blows my mind that I haven’t consistently lifted weights since my senior year in college. Despite understanding and experiencing the benefits firsthand, I spent decades neglecting this essential form of training. Sure, I dabbled on and off throughout the… Continue Reading →
It’s pitch dark, my blaring alarm is interrupting my dream and I can’t figure out why I’m being forced awake at the ungodly hour of 4:45 AM. Slowly it dawns on me that I actually have to get out of… Continue Reading →
Why is my body rebelling against me? This frustrating thought frequents my mind – especially throughout these past two years as if somehow, my lupus symptoms were my body’s way of saying “screw you“ while purposely spiting me with illness…. Continue Reading →
For as long as I can remember, I’ve always made it a point to go for a long run on Thanksgiving morning. Hitting the pavement nice and early wakes me up and mentally prepares me for a day that revolves… Continue Reading →
A big misconception is that you need to be motivated to get rolling. You don’t. Research shows that motivation follows action, not the other way around. You don’t need to feel good to get going, you need to get going… Continue Reading →
Does setting the clocks back in the fall bother anyone else as much as it bothers me? It’s definitely in the running for my least favorite day of the year. Without fail, it disrupts my sleep (for an annoyingly long… Continue Reading →
This morning I headed out the door into the dense fog to run in a nearby neighborhood called the Flats. My mind was groggy, the twinge of pain in my foot annoyed me and my body was tired. I chose… Continue Reading →
This will be the first week that I’ve put up a big fat ZERO for running mileage because it’s been WAY too hot to run. (Or even move for that matter!) It’s not for lack of intention. I’ve tried getting… Continue Reading →
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