Running with joy through perimenopause and autoimmune disease.

Tag Distance running

My Running Challenge For My 55th Birthday – Setting Goals

It’s time for a challenge! It’s been almost 2 years since I’ve set a goal for myself in terms of running. Or in terms of anything for that matter! In March 2023, I ran a half marathon, which was my… Continue Reading →

The Deeper Joy Behind Running A Faster Pace

 No way!  I thought in disbelief when I saw the time for mile 6 displayed on my watch. 9:09!  No doubt about it — those  last 2 miles were exhilarating. I had decided to push myself at the end of… Continue Reading →

How Running A Half Marathon Changed Me

Despite an ongoing battle with lupus, a year ago I said screw it and signed up for a half marathon. My episodes of pericarditis (inflammation of the lining of my heart causing chest pain and fluid buildup) were under control… Continue Reading →

Why Having Lupus Sucks In The Summer

This will be the first week that I’ve put up a big fat ZERO for running mileage because it’s been WAY too hot to run. (Or even move for that matter!) It’s not for lack of intention. I’ve tried getting… Continue Reading →

How Becoming Running Partners Changed Our Lives

I’ll be the first to admit that I hate being an Empty Nester. The house is too quiet, there’s less toothpaste on the bathroom walls (which for some strange reason makes me sad), the dog sits outside their rooms with… Continue Reading →

When I Turned Off The Music, Something Amazing Happened

I live for music. To say my life revolves around it would be an understatement. Due to my kids being in a successful touring band that has been a family project since they were 10 years old, I am completely… Continue Reading →

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