Was it really only three years ago that, practically overnight, I went from running 4 to 5 miles a day to struggling to walk a mile without chest pain, labored breathing, and legs that felt like Jell-O? I’ve definitely come… Continue Reading →
It REALLY SUCKS that when I head out the door to run I have to think about the possible dangers of running alone. I’ve lived in my quiet, safe and small upstate NY town for 20 years. The solitude of… Continue Reading →
Running has always been a part of my life. Memories from running when I was five years old still hold a special place in my heart. Truth be told though, it hasn’t always been positive. But when you run for… Continue Reading →
Why does every step I take send daggers of fiery pain shooting through my feet? Why are both of my ankles swollen so badly the bones are no longer visible? Why does everything I put on my feet, including socks,… Continue Reading →
Your blood tests are normal. Your x-rays look great. I have nothing here to base a diagnosis on. We ran all kinds of tests and there’s nothing abnormal to see. How ironic that a year ago I wrote about being… Continue Reading →
Why do I feel like a fraud when I associate the word athlete with myself? Because I’m 53? Because I’m much slower than I used to be? Because I don’t compete? Because I’m not specifically training for anything? I haven’t… Continue Reading →
No way! I thought in disbelief when I saw the time for mile 6 displayed on my watch. 9:09! No doubt about it — those last 2 miles were exhilarating. I had decided to push myself at the end of… Continue Reading →
Does your body ever confuse the heck out of you, leaving you wondering what could possibly be going on inside you? It blows my mind how my body feels so different from day to day. It’s wild how one run… Continue Reading →
Have you ever had a day when the thought of working out is unbearable and nothing seems to go right? Thankfully, those days have been few and far between lately – until yesterday. It was one of those days… Continue Reading →
Despite an ongoing battle with lupus, a year ago I said screw it and signed up for a half marathon. My episodes of pericarditis (inflammation of the lining of my heart causing chest pain and fluid buildup) were under control… Continue Reading →
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